About us

Our school aims to create an environment where children feel respected, safe and valued within a Christian community. We develop positive attitudes towards the contributions of people of all races, beliefs, abilities and genders. Our children are positively encouraged to develop a sense of compassion for others. Our children develop their curiosity, originality, perseverance, open-mindedness, independence of thought, spiritual dimension and the ability to reflect. They gain self-respect and confidence through working co-operatively and taking pride in their own learning and that of others. Our children learn to take an increasing responsibility for their behaviour and their role in the learning process and can acquire knowledge and skills to develop their abilities to their full potential. We love our learning to be purposeful, challenging and pleasurable. 


Our team is experienced, dedicated and committed to helping children achieve their highest potential. We plan and match work according to the individual needs of each child and we celebrate our children in all we do. 



  • Mrs Nikita Smith
    Co-Headteacher Ex Officio
  • Mrs Katy Wright
    Chair of Governors
  • Mr Edmund Penning-Rowsell
    Foundation Governor (appointed by Chedworth PCC)
  • Mr James Woodman
    Associate Member
  • Mrs Jane Janes
    Parent Governor
  • Mrs K Woodman
    Associate Member
  • Vacancy
    Staff Governor
  • Dr. Sian Alexander
    Foundation Governor
  • Vacancy
    Foundation Governor (Appointed by Yanworth PCC)
  • Rev. Karen Hunter Kriwald
    Foundation Governor, Parish Vicar (Appointed by Diocese) Ex Officio