
St Andrew's C of E Primary School is a local authority maintained voluntary aided school and the admissions authority for St. Andrew's is the Governing Body.

We currently have places available, please contact or call the school office on 01285 720427 for more information and to arrange an appointment to come and see our lovely school.


Applications for a place in Reception

Children usually start school at the beginning of the academic year in which they turn 5 years old.

St. Andrew's operates within the Gloucestershire County Co-ordinated Admissions scheme for Reception entry and therefore this policy should be read in conjunction with the ‘Guide for Parents and Carers’ which can be found on .

If you have not received a letter from the Local Authority, you should contact the Local Authority admissions team at Shire Hall, Gloucester, GL1 2TP. Telephone: 01452 425408.


Applications for a transfer from another school (In year admissions)

To apply for admission in-year, please complete the In-Year Admissions Common Application Form and return to the School Office. This form is also available from the school office.

If a Parent or Carer wishes to appeal against any decision made regarding their child’s admission to school they must send a letter to the School Governors addressed to the Chair of Governors through the Clerk.

If the governors are unable to offer your child a place because of over subscription, you as a parent have a right to appeal. You should notify the clerk to governors of St Andrew’s C of E Church of England Primary School within 20 days of receiving the letter, which will give the grounds for refusing a place. As a parent, you will have the opportunity to submit your case to an independent appeals panel. You must set out your grounds for the appeal in writing. You will normally receive at least 10 days’ notice of the time and venue for the appeal hearing where you will be able to present your case in person. Decision letters will be sent within 5 school days of the hearing wherever possible.