Pupil Premium

Main Ambition

At St Andrew’s C of E we endeavour to provide quality teaching and learning in the classroom to adequately support and challenge all pupils. Our school vision is founded in the saying, 'I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full’ John 10.10. The idea of enabling children to have a ‘full’ life, is an ambition we take very seriously. Our primary ambition for our disadvantaged and pupil premium eligible pupils is that they have access to a fulfilling curriculum and are given opportunities to boost their academic and social skills, in a variety of ways. We aim to support the child and their family and to provide opportunities to help them succeed.

 Pupil Premium Funding

The pupil premium was introduced in April 2011 by the coalition government to address the gap in attainment between students deemed ‘disadvantaged’ and their peers. Children are considered disadvantaged if:

  • eligible for free school meals (or have been eligible in the last six years, known as ‘Ever 6’)
  • looked after continuously for more than six months, or
  • within families who work in the armed forces.

The pupil premium is paid to pupils between the ages of 5 and 16 and it should be spent in ways that close the gap in attainment between these students and their peers.

Desired Outcomes

We aim to use our pupil premium funding to raise the attainment of PP-eligible pupils by supporting them with interventions proven to be effective by the Education Endowment Fund (EEF). We aim to close the gap between PP pupils and others in the school, as well as a wider aim of closing the gap between the school’s PP pupils and all pupils nationally. Our focus is not just on the attainment of our pupils but to ensure their progress is in line with their peers.

As secondary desire we aim to improve the attendance of pupils as we know this has a serious impact on their learning. Where possible, we seek to increase opportunities for PP-eligible pupils and broaden their experiences. We endeavour to ensure that there is no financial barrier to pupils accessing school delivered curriculum enhancement (i.e. trips during the school day, residential trips, bikeability).

Barriers to learning

At St Andrew’s C of E we recognise that the following factors can contribute to barriers for learning:

a) Attendance

Attendance has a direct correlation with academic achievement. If pupils are not in school, they do no learn and the ‘gap’ then widens. We have an attendance policy and monitor the attendance of each pupil carefully.

b) Teaching Quality

Good quality teaching can help to close the gap for all pupils. All teachers have high expectations of their pupils and no ceiling is put on any pupils learning. Appropriate scaffolding is used to support pupils towards their learning objective.

c) Aspiration and Ambition

We strive to encourage all pupils to have the highest ambitions for themselves without restrictions. Through employing inspiring and ambitious adults of all backgrounds, we hope to encourage pupils to aim high and open their eyes to the opportunities in the world.

d) Curriculum

We are in the process of enhancing and renovating our curriculum to ensure it is engaging and broad. Through our curriculum content we hope to show children the wider world and expose them to new opportunities. We aim to supplement children’s cultural capital in a variety of embedded ways.

e) Academic confidence and resilience

Sometimes (but not always) disadvantaged pupils lack the confidence shown by more advantaged peers. Through our range of Christian values, and in the growth mind-set encouraged by all staff, we hope to boost children’s confidence to make mistakes and preserve with tasks and work.

f) Resources

Disadvantaged students are less likely to travel on trips where there is a cost implication, purchase optional revision materials such as study guides, have a variety of reading books at home or buy specialist equipment such as sports equipment. As a result, they are less likely to part in optional enrichment opportunities. We aim to ensure that we are inclusive and support families and children so that they do not miss out on educational trips and in-school enhancement opportunities.

Making decisions regarding the use of Pupil Premium

When making decisions about using pupil premium funding, it is important to consider the context of the school and the barriers (detailed above) that children face. The Governors and headteacher will ensure that:

In making decisions on the use of the Pupil Premium we will ensure that Pupil Premium funding allocated to our school is used solely for its intended purpose.

We recognise the Direct Schools Grant (DSG) has an element of deprivation funding included in it to address the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils. We will:

- Use the latest evidence based research on proven strategies which work to narrow the attainment gaps and adapt these as necessary to meet the needs of our pupils.

- Be mindful of the fact that eligibility and take up of FSM does not equate with pupils being considered to be of ‘low ability’ because of their social circumstances.

- Be transparent in our reporting of how we have used our Pupil Premium, so that our parents, interested stakeholders and Ofsted are fully aware of how this additional resource has been used to make a difference.

- Recognise the fact that FSM pupils are not a homogenous group and cover a wide range of needs. As such the strategies we use to raise attainment will take these group and individual needs fully into account.

- Use high quality teaching and learning as the preferred way to narrow the gaps in attainment in the first instance. We will also use high quality interventions with proven evidence of impact to assist our pupils who need additional support in a time limited way.

- Use the Pupil Premium for all year groups not just those taking examinations at the end of the year.

Decisions made about pupil premium spending will be done with our school vision in mind and so that all pupils have equal opportunity.

We consider how much we are spending on the needs of individual pupils and how much on whole-school strategies.


We regularly measure the attainment and progress of all students with particular reference to all our vulnerable groups. The Senior Leadership Group- our SENCo and headteacher evaluate the needs of students and the outcomes of interventions as well as the needs for any additional support that could be put in place, through termly TAC (Team Around the Child) meetings.

  • Interventions are recorded and progress is monitored to evaluate impact.
  • Our annual review will involve staff, pupils and parents where necessary.


Pupil Premium Strategy 2024